Agriculture is a major issue in the State of Texas and the 11th district. Currently Hemp and Marijuana are on the cusp of being legalized. Hemp was legalized Federally through the 2018 farm bill and Marijuana is close behind.


I propose through legislation that we will deschedule Marijuana and make it legally available to be used as a medication nationwide. Through legalization we will provide Veterans and other critically ill patients the opportunity to see the benefits and have an alternative to deadly opiates.

I have personal experience with the negative effects of opiates after my helicopter crash and I have seen friends die from accidental overdoses. I believe that someone with experience and personal knowledge is important to have in this situation.

Furthermore I believe that the taxes acquired through legalization should be designated to eliminate property tax for senior citizens. We sell the American Dream of being able to be a stakeholder in America and own a piece of this great Country, however we tax the owners until their death and they never truly own the property. When senior citizens reach retirement age they, more often than not, cannot afford to continue to pay their property taxes and continue to survive. We literally MUST stop taxing people to their deaths.